This page is to give you the Student up-to-date information on any health-related concerns you may have. At OHW's we understand you can google anything. For more reading material with key advise, click on the photos below

Overwhelmed, not on top of studying, too much going on, is this for me

Possible Risks of Vaping

Listening to latest podcasts on Health Matters

Washing your hands regularly

Get your daily steps in

Quiet time for Studying


Good eating habits

Exercise is key
Hey there! If you have any specific health advice you'd like to see more updates on, feel free to get in touch with me. We'd love to hear from you!
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Uni:Health - looking at possible risks of Vaping
New figures show that youth vaping has plateaued while adult vaping is at an all-time high. For those looking to quit vaping, various resources and support systems are available. The NHS offers support through its website and local services, providing guidance on nicotine replacement therapies, behavioural support, and other strategies to help individuals stop vaping and smoking altogether. Engaging in these programs can be crucial for breaking nicotine addiction and ensuring long-term health.
Toxic chemicals found in vapes include carcinogens—substances known to cause cancer. Harmful compounds like formaldehyde and acrolein can lead to serious lung issues and diseases. Vapes also contain diethylene glycol, a chemical used in antifreeze, which poses a severe risk to lung health. Additionally, heavy metals like lead and nickel, combined with highly addictive nicotine, further elevate the health risks, making vaping a dangerous alternative to smoking.
Victoria Glee at UK Addiction Treatment
At OHW's we have many Occupational Health Advisors who can help you if you need advice. Fill in the form below and someone will help you. If you are looking for more information to read through.
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