Business Support

Business audits, legal and HR support to ensure your organisation's compliance

Audit and compliance

Understanding your organisation's structure and processes

An occupational health audit from OHWorks will allow us to quickly understand your organisation, its activities, structure and processes.

We will then identify the health risks and how your organisation does (or does not) address those risks. We can give you expert advice on what you need to manage the health risks and problems associated with health and ill health.

Our audit will provide your organisation with an assessment of your compliance with statutory and advisory health at work requirements and what you need to do to make improvements.


For many of our existing clients, we have provided one-day training courses for managers and Human Resources staff in dealing with absence management, when and how to make a referral to occupational health, and many other topics. Please contact us for more details and to discuss your training needs.

Workstation assessments

Our staff are experienced in carrying out workplace assessments for a variety of risks and exposures, including office workstations.

The correct working environment is vital for cutting employee absenteeism, increasing productivity, and boosting staff morale.

Ergonomic interventions in the workplace can bring immediate results for managers and staff.

Display Screen Equipment assessments and training can be provided.

Our team of occupational health professionals will examine working tasks, postures, softwear useability, screen positioning, lighting and the general work environment.

We can also perform workstation assessments where staff members have specific health conditions that affect their ability to carry out their work duties.